We’ve seen it many times before – neighbors helping neighbors; friends assisting others in need. Sometimes these grand gestures receive front page accolades. Other times these small deeds simply go unnoticed.
Agriculture is Community to all of us at the Farm Bureau Foundation, and to so many of others throughout Champaign County. In these challenging times we hope to highlight the many good deeds taking place throughout our area.
No matter how big. No matter how small. We want to spotlight each and every act of kindness. Every individual, family, group or company who is going above and beyond. Everyone who is shining a light in times of darkness.
I ask you: What have you seen in our community? Share with us the stories you’ve seen of neighbors stepping up to the plate, 4-H Clubs, FFA Chapters, Church families, or others in our Ag Community who are making a difference. Perhaps it’s a recent effort to help combat the Coronavirus. Or maybe it’s a gesture from a few weeks, months, or years past. We want to share these stories with central Illinois. We want to show that Agriculture is Community.